Hi, well its gotten warm and sunny and Ron and I finally broke down and put our shorts on . It got up to 75deg. and is supposed to be just as warm today. Our new neighbours Ron and Jane have let us use their satelite dish for our computer so it surely is handy in the park. They are from Ohio and are on their way to Big Bend SP to be camp hosts for the winter.Many thanks to them from us.

We came across this curve-billed thrasher on our walk yesterday. There are green jays and cardinals everywhere you look .It is so quiet here all you can hear are the birds singing.I have to look through our bird book to find the names of any birds we spot.

This is some of the overgrown brush area thats on the walking trails. no wonder there is such a variety of wildlife.There were a couple of armadillos walking in front of trailer yesterday and this morning 7 huge turkeys that would have made an excellent dinner at Thanksgiving!Deer are everywhere also.

An great egret out on the shore of lake.Not too many people here as yet but we still couldn't get a site on the lake side because they were reserved. Oh and there are alligator signs up for the shores of lake.Guess we should of brought the CANOE.I intend to ask the ranger if in fact they have ever seen any.
Talked to my sis Karen last night and she said back home the Thames river is flooding with the ice jams and overflowing its banks back home .January thaw has begun.It sure was good to hear from her. bye for nowDee and Ron
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