Hi everybody, well here we are at Goose Is. St Park and its really something different. This pier is at the end of the island and extends 1600 feet out into the aransas bay. People of course are fishing it using shrimp for bait. All along the beach area are motor homes etc. parked right on the water's edge. We are up in the woodsy area surrounded by live oaks with the birds constantly singing.We would recommend this park to anyone camping and its one of the #1 parks in Texas.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and spotted this alligator sunning itself. It was one of 4 that we saw .Ron spotted a ruby-headed kinglet, small like a wren but with red head.

These were 3 whooping cranes we came across this morning driving along the coast just out of the park. They are quite rare and are the attraction down here in the marshy area.There are only 573 in captivity. They are five feet in height ,the tallest bird in North America and have a wing span of seven feet.Can fly 35-45 mph.

This is The Big Tree in Lamar, just outside the park.It is over 1,000 yrs old and 35 feet in circumference.It is 44feet high with a crown spread of 89 feetIts branches have to be braced up to prevent damage. we are moving on tomorrow to Palacios and will have internet there hopefully. will be there for a month. Take care all -

campsite in Park ,bye Ron and Dee
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