Hi everybody, well its gotten quite cold here this week and down to 50 deg this aft. .We had a terrrible storm blow in over the weekend at 2.pm in the morning and lasted until about 4:30.Continuous lightning with lots of heavy rain , wind and thunder.whew.Sunday was a beautiful sunny day.Ron and i were on a bike ride and spotted all these turkey vultures at roost in the trees. There were tons of them.This morning we got this pic of the cardinals. There were seven males and three females at one point on the ground eating insects.


On Sat we went for a birding walk over to the boat launch area with our friends Linda and Bill from Washington state.They are camp hosts at a park there and know their birds really well.. Here are some egrets and a white ibis that were dining on the leftover fish remains from the fisherman's catfish catch.They had actually seen a bobcat the day before while driving just inside the park.It is supposed to be another cool night but not down to freezing thank goodness. Our friend Gale arrived this afternoon for a couple of days . We will have a great visit i'm sure. Haven't seen her since last year at this time back in Parkview on the Frio.bye for now Dee and Ron.
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