Hi everybody. Has everyone recovered from New Years Eve?We sure did.On Jan 1st we arrived here in Dixieland R V Park in Carmine Texas.Not many people here as of yet but when there's an antique show anywhere in the area this place is hopping.Antiques seem to be the drawing card around here and Round Top. Lots of antiquing stores there too.Its been a cool and overcast day of 55deg.but no rain. None here since last September as you can tell by the dead grass!There were about 10 cardinals that I happened to notice in the trees here today .There are also

bluejays and bluebirds around too.I thought i saw a greenjay but it was gone before i could get a good look.All heading for Roma (s Texas) i guess.The tire picture is when Ron filled in two slow leaks that we've had since Tenn. Good to travel now.The couple have only owned this park for a couple of years now and are working really hard to bring it up to its full potential.So far so good!We went for a tour to Giddings today and found gas for $1.79. gal.What a bargain --the line up was never ending as most prices are $2.99 and over $3.00 someplaces.Tomorrow we head for Choke Canyon State Park and will be using the internet services of the Three Rivers Library. We used them last year and it worked out great.Hopefully at park we will be able to kayak.Oh and I'm sure there will be pics of those pesky Javelinas too!
Its hard to believe we left home and all that snow 1 week ago today. Time flies when you're having fun eh! bye for now ,Ill get back to my knitting(no tv here) and Ron is reading his book. Take care Dee and Ron