Hi everybody,Yesterday we went to a bird sanctuary nearby.There were hundreds of birds there. Here are 2 green jays and an oriole at one of the many rustic feeders. The volunteer lady at the site had been there for a few months and thats all she did was mention the names of birds as they flew into the feeding area.Its was so cool.

This is a greater kiskadee. There were lots of birders that were really much keener on the names of them all.This is a great birding spot in the south of Texas .

One of many old Spanish buildings in the town of Roma(our library site today) and the beginning of the birding tour.It is on the banks of the Rio Grande which is not very wide in this area. Mexico is just across the way.

Gale,Sissy and myself on the nature trail in Falcon S.P.It was 3.1 miles long. She has had some javelinas in her campsite this week.The weather yesterdaywas really great. sunny and 73.It has turned a bit cooler today as everyone has a jacket or sweater on.
Tomorrow were on the road again heading northeast to Kingsville. (to our canadian followers- yup there's one here too.The park is a county one in a tiny bay on the coast and we had good reviews from our friends Marge and Ray.
Our friends Mary and Tom and Gale are headed west tomorrow too. We sure will miss them and all the good times we had.
Well that's about all for today. Hope y'all have a great day. Ron and Dee
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