Ron has over 100 pics from today so we can only send a few of the best.
One of the dolphins with its trainer during the 1/2 hr show.
An alligator just soaking up the sun.You wouldn't hardly know its real but it WAS!
Dolphins greeting the crowd at the beginning of the show. The kids loved it.They could actually touch the sting rays in a tank on display.

Eagles. raptors ,turtles,otters,snakes, moon jellyfish,all kinds of exotic fish,sting rayswere just some of the sights here today.
After lunch we headed over to the USS Lexington air craft carrier a couple of blocks away. Tomorrow we can do pics from that as we have quite a few.
Glad to see we have 2 new followers--my bro Gary and sister in law Mickey. Welcome!
Thats about it for today -Take care all Dee and Ron
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