Hi everybody,We made it t0 the King Ranch today which consists of almost one million acres.There are historic tours and nature tours. We did the birding-nature which lasted almost 5 hrs.There were many different species of birds-lots of sand hill cranes,the golden fronted woodpecker in the above picture at a feeder,caracaras,vermillion flycatchers,great kiskadee,lots of green jays (at the feeder)and sparrows.

This green heron perched on a dead branch waiting for lunch.There were many varieties of ducks and a greater yellow leg.

This is a fire ant hill we disturbed(and then ran back!)You don't want to mess with these guys.
White-tailed deer ,javelinas ,wild turkeys ,alligators and a coyote were also out in many areas of the ranch.There are 60,000 cattle spread out and 300 quarter horses in a different area than where we were. So as you can imagine it takes quite a few cowboys and ranch hands who happen to live on the farm ,to make it all work and be tour ready.
They had there own lakes and a gas well.We only were on a very small portion of the land in and around a couple of lakes and through some open pasture fields(now that was a treat).
It was a sunny day and perfect for our tour. Bye for now --take care Dee and Ron
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