Hi everybody, here are a few more pictures from our birding trip the other day. A herd of turtles. There were lots of them .

Mary and I in front of a blooming bougainvillea. Flowers are just starting to bloom down here,but I'm sure with the warm weather of the last couple of days the flowers will finally show their colors. This is a wild bush on the property.

Now today the temperature was 76 and a nice breeze made it a perfect day. Ron and I went back to the home of the great horned owl and it was there just keeping an eye on all the road traffic beside its home. It never left the top of the old dead palm tree as it did the last time. We did get some great pics of it again today. It is a huge bird but you would never guess that from our close-ups.
Tonight we went to the Valentine steak dinner up at the hall and it was delish. Steak or chicken breast,baked potato, salad, roll, ice cream cranberry punch or sweet iced tea(made from the sun) to drink and raspberry cheesecake for dessert.Yum yum.It was all made by the new owner, his family and staff. They are all trying to make the park even better since they purchased it in Jan. Dance to follow... Saturday mornings is fresh cinnamon rolls and coffee at 8 am sharp.
Well bye for now, hope the weather improves for all our family, friends and followers soon. It sure has been a rough winter to the north of us. Take care all and safe travels .
Dee and Ron
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