Hi everyone.
On Sunday it was sunny and warm so we decided to head for the Estero Llano bird center and check it out. Ron took 268 pictures and we've whittled it down to 6 for you. This screech owl just ignored everyone as they took his picture.

Of course there is always an alligator or 2 around..this huge one in the alligator pond. also saw an anhinga in the water.

This shovelhead duck posed for lots of photos but this one seemed the best. There is a boardwalk throughout the whole park which once was also a campground but not now. What remains are cement pads for all the volunteers to park campers on and paved roads to walk on with fruit trees and beautiful flower bushes and birds everywhere.

Ring-necked duck ..

Altimira oriole.....

Common Pauraque hidden amongst the leaves and debris under a tree (center of the picture). The park naturalist pointed the bird out to us or we never would have seen it. Birds are smart!!
Yesterday the temp was 80 and sunny here...today cold ,raining and very windy , 42 deg. It dropped 40 deg- last night in about 1 1/2 hrs. Back home that would have spawned some really nasty weather with tornadoes etc.Wed is supposed to get better here, Bye for now---stay warm Dee and Ron
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