Hi everyone. Well we have 80 deg weather today with 35 mph winds ,but earlier this week we had an ice storm that left us without hydro for 8 hours. The rain started pelting in the night and by 5 am the branches of these Australian pine trees were down every where. The poor palms were covered in ice and drooping. They did recover when all the ice started melting by 2:00 in the afternoon. The next day the temo was up to 70. Its no wonder no one can climatize around here with the temps up and down.
Thursday we headed over to South Padre Island for a day out and lunch with Tom and Mary. Everyone had cabin fever and we were all glad to see some sun and enjoy the breezes coming up from the south. Lunch was at Dirty Al's this time and a good visit was had by all.
Island in the back ground ,bridge over the water way. Pic from pier in Port Isabel.
This blue crab was caught down off our dock and it is over the 5 " legal limit and will end up in the pot soon. the fellow that caught it has had quite a few meals from the river.
Hope the weather improves for all you guys. We have heard its pretty wintery up in the north. Stay warm, take care Dee and Ron.
Hi to our pro snow-boarders Trent and Logan-miss you guys!