Hi everybody. We arrived at the Suwannee River rv park yesterday and this is a pic of the river itself out in front of the park. It is down a bit to what it usually is and had come up some with the big storms that went through this week.Many years ago it had flooded to the top of cliffs!

This is looking north towards White Springs.I'm sure its always this calm as its well protected with the cliffs.
It begins at the headwaters of the Okefenokee Swamp in South Georgia and ends at the Gulf at the town of Suwannee.266 miles in all some of the time through uninhabited areas.

As we were at a park up the road from White Springs we met a couple who had just finished their five-day kayak trip starting from Fargo Georgia .They were waiting to be picked up from a kayak company who would take them back to their car in Fargo.They had sighted a couple of gators on the trip but were not concerned at all.

Ron at rest in the park by the river.

Suwannee River from an overlook at the park. Many cypress trees line the banks of the river as far as you could see all dripping with moss.
Well bye for now hope ya'll have a great weekend. It was a great sunny day here and all next week is supposed to be the same. Take care Dee and Ron
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