Hi Everybody,Just thought i'd catch up on blog as we were having a lot of problems with internet yesterday.This picture is the Texas White House on the L B Johnson ranch.A National Historic Park has assumed part of the 2,000 acre s, and are now giving tours.

This is LBJ's outdoor pool in which he did a lot of swimming in . The building is the indoor pool which Mrs. Johnson and the girls used.

This is part of the original stone house before was enlarged to the size it is now(9bathrooms and 8 bedrooms).It is still a working ranch and has a large herd of prize livestock.We drove through the farm itself and over many cattle crossings.

The door to the Texas White House where he did a lot of presidential busines when at home. He grew up just down the road and attended the schools in Stonewall.His boyhood home was part of tour.

His very modest but handsome desk with pictures of their favorite dogs on the walls.The walking tour of house cost $2.00pp.I can only imagine what that cost would be in Can.
I should mention this ranch was only 1 of 5 or so others. LBJ is buried here along with other members of his family in a family cemetery down the road along the Pedernales River under many huge beautiful live oak trees.(also part of tour).There is also an airstrip and hangar on the property.

Ron and I drove yesterday past this rock in the Enchanted Rock State Natural Park.The humongous granite rock is the next thing to see sometime this week. Those are people climbing it and we will too.Its 18 miles from here and a must to see. Thats about it for today.It looks like it might actually rain today.LOL. bye for now take care Ron and Dee
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